Another Day, Another Life | Teen Ink

Another Day, Another Life

January 22, 2014
By foryou BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
foryou BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In 1982 to 2012, mass shootings in America increased dramatically according to a graph published by “Mother Jones.” Many injuries and fatalities was included in these mass shootings. Gun control should be taken care of more seriously so the incidents will occur less. Gun control must be taken care of more seriously so decreasing guns should result in less deaths, injuries, and hatred between humans.
Due to certain occurrences, there are many new gun restrictions. As Jennifer Steinhauer and Charlie Savage said in a New York Times article, after the massacre in a Connecticut school, “Many pro-gun Congressional Democrats - including Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, the majority leader and a longstanding gun rights supported - signaled an openness Monday to new restrictions on guns.” As a result of this event, more guns are being kept safe and out of the hands of criminals. Allowing anyone to own a gun according to the Second Amendment and not fixing the problem at hand causes a crisis. Guns caused a big time problem for murders, “2007 at Virginia Tech, in which 33 people were killed, the American Civic Association killings in 2009 in Binghamton, N.Y., that took 14 lives, or the 2011 shooting that severely injured Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) and killed six -- no gun control measures have made it through the House and Senate in recent years.” (Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States). These killings was not taken care of first hand and so much more will keep on happening. Gun control will lower the rate of murders happening because most murders are caused by firearms. “Roughly 16,272 murders were committed in the United States during 2008. Of these, about 10,886 or 67% were committed with firearms. (Just Facts).

Many gun owners says possession of handguns should not be restricted because criminals will always find a way to obtain their guns, leaving citizens defenseless. If gun control was more strict like getting rid of all the guns, there would be no problem with guns. Getting rid of guns will cause the murder rate to drop. Others might say guns is a way of life. Guns are not a way of life. We grew up with the protection of guns but that needs to change for the future generations. Guns are a very dangerous weapon because guns kill and hurt people.
Gun control is the most important law there is. Without gun control, people will keep dying and the future generation will follow with messed up lives. To solve future gun problems, guns need to be out of the wrong hands and obscure from criminals. If gun control is taken more seriously, the world will have less murders, accidents, and suicide.

Works Cited

"Issue Profiles." Opensecrets RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Dec. 2013.

"Gun Control - Just Facts." Gun Control - Just Facts. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Dec. 2013.

STEINHAUER, JENNIFER STEINHAUER. "Pro-Gun Democrats Signaling Openness to Limits." Cable News Network, 17 Dec. 2012. Web.

"A Special Report on the Rise of Mass Shootings in America." Mother Jones. Mother Jones, n.d. Web. 13 Dec. 2013.

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