The Clock and Its Effects | Teen Ink

The Clock and Its Effects

October 21, 2008
By Anonymous

The clock possesses me, the endless ticking, in time with my heartbeat, or so it seems. My thoughts wander to him, and linger on his smell. that inexplicable, intoxicating scent. I wore his sweater today, and immersed myself in him, burying myself in the warm folds. Breathing in, and out, in, out. Even the hugs, maybe meaningless to him, are something to me. His body, his smell, everything, pressed against mine. The warm, butterfly-like feelings start, just remembering. My heart exponentially expands, and I feel as if i might burst. But to burst from him would be the best, the only way to go. The ticking continues. My heart continues. They always will. And i feel sure, so sure, that this memory, this feeling, will with it. I will forever immerse myself in him.

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