"Hair" | Teen Ink


April 14, 2014
By MauAnd SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
MauAnd SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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Hair, many different hairstyles, everyone’s hair style is unique like them. Both my sister’s hair shining, soft, shimmering in the light one short, the other long, both golden blond.

My brother matthew’s hair brown wavy, flows like the ocean current on a warm summer day. Jona’s hair medium length it falls flat on his head with no where to go, lazy in nature.

My parents hair old like them, has been through many different changes in its life span. both spotty in color, beginning to be overtaken by the grey that endlessly tries to consume every last strand. Unlike my moms full head of hair my dad every morning works endlessly to perfect to comb over to hide his ever growing bald spot.

Lastly, my perfect head of hair. My hair a dirty blond color. my hair short with not one hair out of place. My hair looks good when i wake up.

We all have perfect hair in different ways...just like how everyone is unique.

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