myself | Teen Ink


September 3, 2014
By adove BRONZE, Bearriver, Wyoming
adove BRONZE, Bearriver, Wyoming
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
All are dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.
Walt disney

When a train goes through a tunnel and it gets dark, you don't throw away the ticket and jump off. You sit still and trust the engineer.

Corrie Ten Boom

Hi i’m Aaron, I am from Corvallis Oregon, where I was born. I grew up mainly in wyoming and have lived in two different state, Wyoming, and Oregon. I have moved from two different towns, Corvallis, and Pilot Rock, Bear River where I live now is very fun town but small. I live there with my, mom Robin, my sister Melanie and my Dad jason. My sister is now starting college and I will be just living with my mom and dad.


My life has been very interesting, with problems that have occured with myself, and things I have had to face. I was dignosed with diffrent mental disorders when I was young, and have had to take medicine since a very young age. I have been in and out of hosptials since fith grade for different reasons from having mental disorders. but every time I get in I get out from facing my problems that have come up in my life, and being strong to fix them. I hate my life sometimes but I face that I have mental disorders and sometimes have to go into hosptials for my problems. but I stay strong to fight through my problems, and that is how I survive.


I love robotics, and am interested in going into the field. I have done robotics since I was in elementary school, and have been interested in that field ever since. my hobbies one of course is robotics but the others are: hunting, fishing, programing, cooking, dancing, drawing, and being creative. I love when a great idea pops into my head, or I figure something out something from a long time ago. I am a great idea generator when a task is given. I am interested in doing google science fair, and a robotics project, to see if i could receive the grand prize of, 50,000 dollar scholarship and a trip to a island.


my symbol would be a computer because of not only technology but of programing and robotics. I relate a computer to myself of being good with ideas and being fast with learning skill needed for my projects. I’m really handy in learning what different computer do. I’m also good with helping people with computer problems.

The author's comments:

this is my own story of myself, some of my hobbies, and my interest.

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