The Perfect burger | Teen Ink

The Perfect burger

December 16, 2014
By Killdawill BRONZE, Mariposa, California
Killdawill BRONZE, Mariposa, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't set yourself on fire to keep others warm"

You grab the warm buns out of the hot oven,. You pull open the cold steel fridge as the gust of cold air blows in your face. You begin to smirk because your mom is making you create this burger so you can eat some healthy greens-which she has told you to do many times before- and begin to eat healthy. Grabbing the green Iceberg lettuce from the bottom shelf to compliment the sesame buns. The bag from the grocery store sticks to the lettuce as you slowly pull off the bag. Getting a hold of the circular lettuce you break off a slice of it and place it on the bottom bun. The cold, wrinkly texture of the lettuce goes perfectly with the warm sesame bun.

Grabbing a metallic knife from the holder sends a shiver down your spine as you slide your index finger across the side of the knife before you slam down on the onions. The euphoria of cutting through the first onion makes you feel warm inside. The crunch of the onion goes as your hands moves fluidly with the knife slicing. Placing each round of onion on the warm bun and the wrinkly Iceberg.
You get ahold of the pre made beef patty from the freezer. You slide your hand around the burger package and firmly grab it to find the text that reads, “80% meat, 20% fat.” Perfect. You take two patties from the packaging and place them on the counter. Grabbing a cold pan from the slick oak cabinets in the pantry. Clicking the stove top to turn on the flame so you may heat your patties. Turning it right in between the two labels that read, “Medium” and “Hot.” You grab the cooking oil and place a dab of the thick liquid unto the pan as it sizzles fast with the heat that is located beneath it. Grabbing the two 80-20 patties on the counter, you place them one by one as the pan sizzles as if you poured water into a french fry fryer. You wait about two minutes in the warm kitchen that is lined with granite on the counters. You press down on the patty hoping to achieve the perfect medium-rare. Your finger sinks into the patty on accident and your finger gets sizzled hot by the rare-pink patty. Rushing to the sink you turn it on place your hot finger under the ice cold water to bring your finger back to life. As you check on the burgers once more(while accidently leaving the water running)you see that the burgers have achieved the brown-pinkish texture inside the beef patty. The sink almost flows over in the background as you quickly turn it off. Grabbing the two patties, you place the fatty meat onto the healthy garden vegetables with the starchy buns underneath and on top. You have achieved this amazing burger and you are ready to begin eating.But as you take your first bite with the crunch of the vegetables and the warm juicy patty, you begin to have a sudden epiphany-you forgot the cheese.

The author's comments:

I am a cook at a local diner in my small town. I love food and everything about it and this has occurred multiple times.

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