Our Eyes | Teen Ink

Our Eyes

December 19, 2014
By riley herzog SILVER, Delafield, Wisconsin
riley herzog SILVER, Delafield, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Frosty, bright and blue.  The eyes of my family.  My dad’s eyes, still blue at heart, are invited with a swampy green color.  His eyes though sticky and muggy are painted with caribbean waters.  Maddie and chelsea who are five years apart and look nothing of each other, are twins.  Solely because their eyes scream it.  A deep blue that pull you into its vast nature.  One look at my mothers eyes gives a sense of what blue lightning looks like.  Bottled up in two rings, her eyes make me feel as if one day the electrifying beams will shoot out in a icy explosion.  My brother’s mellow, grey and blue eyes speak quite to anyone who listens and leaves them on a cloud. 
My eyes, a soft light blue, are the only eyes in my family who allow a thin ring of brown.  My dog, however, shares this with me.  This rendered us happy.  Different amongst the others I would tell her, while her perked up nose and blue and brown eyes listened to my familiar voice of gibberish.  So while every set of Herzog eyes are a frosty, bright and blue, all are different in intricate and ordinary way. 

The author's comments:

My family and the way our eyes are alike, but also different in their own unique way.

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