Two Titanium Rods | Teen Ink

Two Titanium Rods

December 19, 2014
By melissadailey21 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
melissadailey21 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the only ones who protect me. I am the only one who protect them. Two titanium rods with screws and brackets in between. Two that give me a challenge each and everyday. Two that support me, support my back. They are there too help me, but sometimes get in the way. Get in the way of going to skyzone with my friends.
They help me though, help me stand tall, and keep a straight spine. Without them I would have a crooked back, and a crooked life…
They have inner strength. Strength that supports my body as a whole. They grow with me, they grow as I grow.
When I am down on myself, and can’t breakthrough, I think of the day when these rods were put in. I remember that I can get through anything and everything. When hope is lost and everything goes bad, my two remind me to keep holding on strong.


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