One Small Photo | Teen Ink

One Small Photo

December 19, 2014
By HER15 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
HER15 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The things you most want to avoid are the things that make you feel the greatest when you actually do them." -unknown

It’s the only one that see’s me. I’m the only one that see’s it. One small photo, the horse that appears in it with it’s long beautiful mane makes me believe in my dream. As I think of the bad times in my life all I have to to do is gaze into the eyes of the horse and all the bad emotions go away. In my dreams I can see them and to my mom my dream will become reality.

Thier love is hidden. They send beauty into my eyes. They move as fast as lighting as they gallop through the hills. They use their muscles to carry them through the hardest nights.

That one small photo reminds me to keep chasing my dream and to never let go.

There are days I feel down and don’t believe in myself anymore. Day’s I feel like giving up. Looking at the photo brings back the feelings and the hope that one day my hard work will be worth the wait!!

The author's comments:

I really hope you enjoy this small peice. It's something that keeps me believe in my dreams!

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