What Matters Most to Me | Teen Ink

What Matters Most to Me

January 27, 2015
By Samann BRONZE, Grady, Alabama
Samann BRONZE, Grady, Alabama
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The thing that matters to me most is getting through high school then going to college. I only got a couple months left until I go to college. This matters to me because I want to get through high school go to college to become a nurse. When I was little that's all I could think about was becoming a nurse. I'm going to tell why this matters the most.
  Why this matters to most to me is because all my grandads got cancer. When they started together very sick I helped take care of them and decided to become a nurse. I told myself I will finish high school then go to college to become a nurse. This matters most to me because I love looking after people. I think I will become a great nurse.
   I'm almost finished with high school. Just a couple more months and I either will start AUM or LBW. I can't wait to live this dream. This matters so to me. I can't wait to finish high school and start my new life.

The author's comments:

The thing that matters to me most is getting through high school then going to colleg

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