A Crowd of Black and White | Teen Ink

A Crowd of Black and White

April 21, 2015
By PastryChef2019 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
PastryChef2019 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

     A crowd of black and white nervously awaits the intense lights with adrenaline coursing through their vines. A sea of silver and gold fall in. A commotion of sound fills the hall.  A single note is played calling everyone to attention and a conformity is reunited.
     Arrowhead's Wind Ensemble is more that a congregation of 52 people, 46 chairs, and countless instruments. We are a family, unified as one through music, its emotions, and its stories.
     Under the instruction of one, we harmonize ideas and concepts that bring the community together -- through joy, sadness, and laughter.
     We have shared our melodies and emotional stories throughout Waukesha. From the Sharon Lynn Wilson Center, to the Oconomowoc Arts Center, to our home at Arrowhead.
     Our songs and stories have advanced us further -- to state conferences and band conventions.
     The world is ever changing and stories are constantly created and we take part in the sharing in the creations of new stories and premiering them to the world and community. Premiering stories and ideas from Michael Markowski, to John Mackey, to Keane Southard. Ever changing the music community.
     From the rambunctious regalement of the band room to the seriousness of the sterling sounds of the stage. Arrowhead’s Wind Ensemble is a true treasure that brings 52 people and a community together through music and emotion to color a crowd of black and white.

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