The Plaque of Discrimination | Teen Ink

The Plaque of Discrimination

May 11, 2015
By TheGenesisWriter SILVER, Hemet, California
TheGenesisWriter SILVER, Hemet, California
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Be not afraid of greatness; some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them." -William Shakespeare

Discrimination comes in as many forms, shapes and colors as there people. It is used to judge people based off their religion, it is used to belittle someone for the color of their skin and it is used to keep people in love separated. The differences between these three is that the first two have been deemed inhuman and cruel while the last is blindly used widely by society and the law without the sense of it being just as morally wrong as the prior discriminations.
Many people are against gay marriage because it is against their religion. Yet, as a Christian born and raised I feel no ill will towards them. I have no desire to limit their rights that are granted to everyone else. I see nothing different about them. Why can’t everyone else?  Why is it our right to decide whether or not they have any? If one race was able to decide if the other should marry their would be a rage that would sweep that nation, yet it is a fine doctrine to oppose on gays.
Furthermore discrimination in disgusts me. I have been raised to see my fellow man as equals so when I see people hating each other or even making preconceptions based on petty, valueless discriminations it angers me. It angers mainly for one reason, I don’t understand. I can not understand how a man can look at someone and feel he is an equal and then look at another who is different with glaring contempt. It never ceases to baffle me how someone can proclaim they want equality for all and then turn on the person next to them like a wild dog with no sense of direction or morality. 
I hope one day no one will understand it. That one day discrimination of race, color, or religion will be a foreign concept long forgotten. One day it will only be recognized as a mistake of the people from long ago. On that day man can truly learn to love one another and not a day sooner.

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