Stealing The Test | Teen Ink

Stealing The Test

June 9, 2015
By shafayyy BRONZE, Sacramento, California
shafayyy BRONZE, Sacramento, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

          April 21st 2008, I was in Pakistan. My family lived in a village.  My Family was very poor and my dad wanted me to get graduated from the middle school, and find a job. It was my dad’s dream to make me graduate from middle school. In Pakistan middle school was from 6th to 12th grade.  I was in 7th grade. I go to school from Monday to Saturday. I work in a farm on Sunday. My life begins to get worse when I started to hang out with bad students. My best friend name was Bilal. He was a very bad student. He had never done his homework. He had F grades in all of his classes. I pretty much had A grade in all of my classes, accept for math I had D grade in math.  Bilal was also struggling in math.
Our math teacher was very bad. He never helped us in anything, he just give us work and always says “go to your home and find a way to solve these problems”. The end of the year was coming up. We had finals in math. Me and Bilal knew that we will fail math for sure. In Pakistan if students fail the finals no matter if they have A or F grade, they fail the Class.
On April 21st during 2nd period I was sitting next to a smart kid name Jacky. Jacky had very good listening skills. Jacky was a very mean person, he had no friends. Whenever someone says hi to him he always response back saying “what you want get out of here”. I was sitting next to Jacky when Bilal came to me and said “I have an Idea”. He said “ if we want to pass math class then we have to steal the math test from the teacher” I knew it was going to fail math class. So I accepted to help him steal the Test from the teacher. Our math teacher always makes the test in class and leaves it the class room cabinet without a lock. The classroom was always empty during lunch time because our teacher goes to cafeteria to eat lunch with other teachers. Me and Bilal made a plan to steal the test papers from his classroom during lunch time. Jacky was hearing us when we made this plan.
During lunch time we went to his classroom. I closed the door so nobody can see us. Bilal quickly found the Test paper. As we were walking to the door. Our math teacher quickly opened the door. He had a stick in his hand and he was very angry. Jacky was standing next to him laughing at us. He took us to the principle office  beating us with sticks while talking us through the hallway. The principle suspended us from the school for the remaining year. I failed all of my classes. My dad was very sad he said “ I didn’t expect that from you shafay”.  I was ashamed of myself.

What I learned from that mistake is cheating won’t get you anything. Cheating will only put pressure on your mind. If you struggling in a class. Get help but don’t cheat. Since that day I never every cheated again.

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