Eyes. | Teen Ink


April 20, 2016
By 6fritz GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
6fritz GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My sister’s eyes, the smallest and lightest in the family, yet the largest on her. Her small body enhances the immensity of her eyes on her small body. Her eyes composed of moonstone and vanilla ice cream.My dad’s eyes are stern yet compassionate. They augment the absurd faces he makes during dinnertime. The remind me of a blueberry in a bowl of milk. Nothing makes me happier than glimmer with excitement. My eyes are bright and full of life. They sparkle like diamonds dancing in the sky on a clear summer’s night. My mother’s eyes; however, offset all the rest. Her eyes are full of grace and kindness. She has the type of eyes that just melt you into her arms, where you will feel safe. Her eyes are warm and magical. Perfectly rounded sapphires that make you joy filled with just a single glance.

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