Mom's Eyes | Teen Ink

Mom's Eyes

April 20, 2016
By KP2016 GOLD, Delafield, Wisconsin
KP2016 GOLD, Delafield, Wisconsin
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My mom: beautiful, brilliant, and bliss.  But...her eyes tell a story. She has eyes like an siberian husky. (Bright, blue like the ocean.)

My mom kind and generous, my mom noble and compassionate. She has a heart of gold, literally. As a daughter, wife, and a mom she gets an A+. But how can her eyes tell a story? As you look into her eyes you can feel her presence. You can see her eyes gleaming with saintly qualities.

She creates an environment where you feel content, comfortable, and capable. Looking into her eyes, I feel my mom’s presence. Her eyes like a movie to her soul. I can see her whole life right in front of me. As she looks at her family, we all feel loved, we all feel cared for. We only hope to achieve the same for her.

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