5 Brave Men | Teen Ink

5 Brave Men

May 27, 2016
By 6carroll GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
6carroll GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We are the only men remaining to fight. We are the only ones left to save. Five brave men with empty stomachs, beaten down bodies, and strong-willed hearts. Five that did not choose to be here but were chosen. Five men willing to give up their lives for the sake of our freedom. From our anthem, we can hear what they sacrificed, but too many Americans don’t appreciate what they’ve done for us.

The love for their country is unconditional. They set up their battleground for when the thousands of Nazis come marching through. Before their last night of brutal brawling and battling, they reconcile their sins, ready their weapons, and reclaim their ground because this was the night they fought and died with honor. This is why we have freedom.

Never forget all of the selfless men that were willing to lay down their lives for you. These five men that protected “Fury” went into a suicide mission to protect their base and to protect the US. 

When I look at that flag fluttering in the wind from the same air that is inhaled by the same men willing to die for me, I am nothing but proud and honored to live in the best nation in the world. When times are tough and it is hard to keep moving forward, I can remember the sacrifice that these five men made. Five brave hearts, five determined minds, and one common goal. Thank you.

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