New York Winter Nights | Teen Ink

New York Winter Nights MAG

By Anonymous

   I don't think it will ever stop snowing. It is the end of March, and last night there was a snowstorm. These snow days have already devoured our vacation time. We're lucky to still have the Passover days. It's quite an awesome sight: trees with snow on them, yet the ground barely covered. I am not quite sure which day of the week it is. I have not seen school since last Wednesday. That night, I was at Broadway watching "Inherit the Wind," a tale of heresy and the pursuit of knowledge. My ride into the Big Apple was almost as beautiful as my ride out. What a town. I was crossing the George Washington Bridge and looking to the right. There, hanging over the Hudson Bay, was a great red-golden mist. It looked like someone was streaking the sky with wine. Who says you have to travel to the Caribbean to know true beauty. I've got mine right here. The city is a twist of gothic and modern architecture. Night in the city is composed of ferocious darkness, glittering lights, with a residue of snow here and there. I rode home with two good friends: a guy and a gal. It grew late, and she rested her head on his lap. He and I struck up a conversation about our fathers and the great mysteries of life. We can be very philosophical if we try. Our parents could never see us as being wise, because to them wisdom can only come with age. Which basically means that if you look like Yoda, you're the wisest man on earth. Anyway, we talked about achievements and failures and how we're going to make it to the sorority houses when we go up to Binghamton next month. That night was worth it. Words of wisdom: happiness is instilled drop by drop. Even if I woke up the next morning with much unfinished homework and didn't go to school, it was well worth it. I only wish that bus ride could have been a little longer. I only wish we had hit some heavy traffic on the George Washington. Yet, just like the snow, all things must eventually fade. Yet, the way I like to think about is this: There will always be another winter. c

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i love this so much!