A Special Moment | Teen Ink

A Special Moment MAG

By Anonymous

   The morning was fair and warm. My excitement rose as I was awakened by a single ray of sun through a crack in my shade. It was eight, the morning of my sister's wedding. I was to be her bridesmaid. By noon the atmosphere was calm yet anxious. The roses sat neatly packed on the newly finished table, untouched by anyone. They were pink and delicate, signifying a new life.

My brothers all dressed in black and white tuxes, their dark brown hair combed in perfect strokes to match each other. Next to them stood my mother in her soft, blue lace with her auburn hair which seemed to match her delicate dress. And there was my father, looking proud as he stood by his family, looking back on many years.

And then there was sister. Her white silky dress, her long blond hair twirled miraculously in a symmetrical bun. Her veil flowed, ribbed with pearls. Her face had a soft glow yet her excitement and nervousness gave her a rosy appearance all day.

This was the first time my family would be together for a long time. And through all the glory and excitement of the reception and party, it did not occur to me that I was losing a best friend.

My sister had been there as long as I could remember. We had shared everything. She played with me when I was lonely. She dressed me up in make-up to look sophisticated and older, like she was. At her college, she showed me to her friends as if I were most important. We had shared a room, and lots of laughter.

Later, when my sister entered my room, it was clear to me that hidden behind the soft, silk dresses and suits, the roses, the dancing, singing and laughter was a deep sadness in me. I realized that she was starting a new life. Tears fell from our eyes when I realized that this was not the end of a friendship, but the start of a new one. n

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i love this so much!