Educator of the year contest | Teen Ink

Educator of the year contest

January 15, 2019
By meganlauren529 BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
meganlauren529 BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Over the many years I have been to school, there is one teacher that I think deserves to be the educator of the year. That teacher is Master Sergeant Howie. He is my Naval science instructor at Delaware Military Academy. Although he has only been at the school for 2 years, he is one of the best teachers I have ever had.

I’m always looking forward to my 2nd block class because we have a fun time. Master Sergeant Howie is always making the class laugh. Sometimes he’ll tell stories about when he served as a Marine. They’re interesting and make you want to serve our country as well. He also pushes me out of my comfort zone by making me volunteer for skits and talking in front of the class. The skits help you practice life skills; one of the skits we have done is a job interview. I had to interview another student, and whenever I apply for a job, I know I’ll be prepared thanks to Master Sergeant Howie.

But the class is not all fun and games. Master Sergeant Howie knows how to balance learning and having a good time. When we have to take a test or be inspected, everyone knows that it’s time to be serious. If you don’t do your work then Master Sergeant Howie will take it seriously and either talk to you or give you the grade you deserve. As long as everyone does their work and behaves, we can have a good time in class.

Master Sergeant Howie is also good at making sure that you keep up with your work and expectations. At DMA, we have to complete 10 hours of community service each year. If you don’t have your hours complete, he won’t stop reminding you and giving you opportunities to do it. He researches community service near us and tells the class about them so that we can volunteer.

Master Sergeant Howie is a great and balanced teacher. He’s funny yet tough; you wouldn’t want to mess with him, but he can also be one of the nicest people you know.  If I’m ever having a bad morning, his class makes my day better. I couldn’t imagine not having Master Sergeant Howie as my teacher. Thank you for everything that you do.

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