Ms.Delcampo-John Dickinson High School | Teen Ink

Ms.Delcampo-John Dickinson High School

March 19, 2019
By Anonymous

Carmen DelCampo-John Dickinson High School

Through all my years of high school, I have never came across a teacher who cared so much for her students no matter the circumstances. Whether you have a problem with other subjects in school, have issues at home, or even, if you just needed a shoulder to cry on, Ms.DelCampo is always there for anyone who needs it.

Ms.Delcampo is a Jobs for Delaware Graduates (JDG) teacher but she is so much more than that. As a JDG teacher she has to make sure she completes assignments that not only the school provides for her but also, what her boss at the state building assigns to her. She is always on her students to make sure they do the best they possibly can not only in school but also in the real world. At my high school, she holds toy drives, can drives, and much more. She contributes not only her time and effort to JDHS but also, her great personality and spunk.

As my teacher she makes all school work as fun as possible. What I mean by fun is that she always has a hands on activities that has to do with our lessons. This one time, she organized an “escape room” for our class. In the escape room the class was to divide into pairs and the pair that got finished first won any food we wanted. It was so much fun, and everyone had a blast, even if they did not win because everyone's a winner to Ms.DelCampo.

When my Stepfather and Uncle had passed away in the same year I didn't know how to handle it. I went straight to Ms.DelCampo and she helped me on a personal level. She let me know it was okay to grieve and helped me figure out coping mechanisms that would suit me. Ever since that point I knew I could go to her for anything. I also see her with other students, who may not even be in her classes and they can still confide in her because of how open she is to everyone.

Ms.DelCampo is the hardest working woman i have ever met. And I know no one else that deserves this award more than her. I appreciate everything she has done not only for me but also for what changes she has made to Dickinson as a whole. Thank you Ms.Delcampo for showing me that I can be who I want to be no matter what obstacles are in my way.

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