Favorite Teacher | Teen Ink

Favorite Teacher

March 22, 2019
By Rodro1234 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Rodro1234 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I walk into school not wanting to be there, get some breakfast and get to class, it is English class the subject I hate the most but the teacher in that class will always figure out a way to make us laugh. Mr. Behnke my favorite English teacher of all time. He was the funniest and kindest teacher I have ever had and not to say other teachers aren’t I just liked him the most.

I remember the first day of his class he went over the syllabus and he made some jokes and it was fun and he made the class fun. Somehow he made most of the lessons not boring and fun. He told stories that were interesting to hear and made the class a fun class. There was this one joke I thought that was funny as a kid and he said “ If you are doing an essay and use gonna I’m gonna give you an F because that’s not how you say it, it’s “going to”.

He was a really nice teacher and let some things slide and always tried to help everyone even if they were bad kids and had a high tolerance. There was a time he made the class do an essay and made us present it. I was missing a whole part of the rubric that would have got me a C but he ended up moving me up a letter grade and gave me a B and as a kid, I thought that was the nicest thing ever and still think it is. That same day another one of my classmates presented and started crying afterward and I don't know why but he was nice enough to give him his cupcake that he brought in for lunch.

There was one time that the whole class did not do their essay and he gave us another day to work on it. He was pretty mad at us but he was nice enough to give us another day. He took us to the library to do it and the class got it done, I don’t remember what I got but I think I got a good grade.

I walk into school not wanting to be there, get some breakfast and get to class, it is English class the subject I hate the most but the teacher in that class will always figure out a way to make us laugh. Mr. Behnke my favorite English teacher of all time. He was the funniest and kindest teacher I have ever had and not to say other teachers aren’t I just liked him the most. He was the best teacher I had. His English class was the only English class I wanted.

The author's comments:

Scott Behnke, Stanton Middle School Wilmington, De

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