Senior Chief McClain EOY | Teen Ink

Senior Chief McClain EOY

March 25, 2019
By rileyfreebery BRONZE, Hockessin, Delaware
rileyfreebery BRONZE, Hockessin, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Personally, I would nominate Senior Chief McClain for the Educator of the Year.  Senior Chief is my Naval Science instructor at the Delaware Military Academy. He has taught me so much since the beginning of my high school experience.  He makes class fun every day with his upbeat personality and jokes. Senior Chief is one of the most outgoing, smiley, funny and kind people I know.

Senior Chief McClain is not your average teacher.  He teaches many things such as life skills and military drill.  He makes class interesting every day by doing different activities with us. Instead of working out of a textbook or just taking notes every day, we do fun activities such as flag folding, military drill knockout, and physical training on Fridays.  He always does his best to keep his students engaged in learning.

Senior Chief is very funny and outgoing. He always tells us a few corny jokes at the start of each class which always puts a smile on everyone's face.  We also started a tradition that every Monday, a student is picked to say a joke or do a dance to start the week off. Senior Chief’s smile can light up a room and he loves to make other people smile too. He is usually very happy, energetic, and positive. This energy rubs off on his students and their attitude towards school.  

Senior Chief McClain is also a very great example of a leader.  He is very wise and sometimes tells us stories about his past or his experience in the military.  He always pushes everyone to do their best and always wants everyone to succeed, not only in school but in life. I think the most important thing about Senior Chief is that he is compassionate about what he does.  He is always in a good mood at the start of each class and just seems to genuinely love what he does for a living which really makes a difference when it comes to teaching.

Senior Chief McClain is a teacher who loves his job and genuinely cares for his students. I am very lucky that I was able to have a teacher who fought for our country and is very compassionate about what he does.  In conclusion, I nominate Senior Chief McClain for Educator of the Year because he is an educator that inspires young people to become the best possible version of themselves.

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