Mr. Young EOY | Teen Ink

Mr. Young EOY

March 25, 2019
By chloeattix BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
chloeattix BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I wanna nominate Mr. Young as Educator of the Year. Mr.
Craig Young is definitely one of my all time favorites, for many reasons. I’ve had the chance to
experience class with him and his coaching. He is a PE teacher and the swim coach at my
school Delaware Military Academy. He is generally such an outgoing, positive, fun teacher, and
you honestly don't get that in teachers a lot. So I'm nominating him for these reasons, for
his amazing dedication to see his students and team push to their full potential, and for his honest hard work he puts into everything he does. Another thing is that he treats us like family. I saw this more in his coaching; even though he's tough on his team, he is a great coach. Finally he is super athletic, and he participates in activities we do in class.

Mr. Young is super dedicated when getting us to push to our best potential; even if you
might not feel motivated, he will get you to try your best and will help you get engaged in
class. Every morning he would be in class cheerful and ready for the day with the plan on the
board. He really knew how to get the class piped up for the day ahead and would start us out
with fun warm ups like three step and knockout to get us prepared and stretched. He chooses
fun lessons like volleyball and frisbee to get us to have fun even in sports we may not have liked
so much.

As a coach he definitely treats his whole team like family and demonstrates leadership
and knowledge about the sport. I got the chance to manage for his swim team, and honestly I
loved it; he made it feel very welcoming. Through this I was able to witness how he may have
been tough on his team but he made practices fun and only wanted to see his swimmers
succeed. He really tries to keep everyone happy and to keep up with everyone's life while
balancing his. I think having this quality is great to have not only being a coach but also on the
teaching side of it.

Finally Mr. Young is very athletic which is good because he is able to
participate in the games and lessons with the class, and I don’t think a lot of teachers do this. In
my opinion I feel like a teacher should be able to engage the students by joining in the activities
and doing examples themselves. It made kids wanna be more involved and
not embarrassed to try hard. I can remember a time I walked into one of his classes and they
were playing pickleball, and he was in the game with them’ and everyone was so intrigued and
involved in all the activity’s.

In conclusion, Craig Young is a great teacher, coach, friend, ect. He definitely deserves
this nomination, and I look forward to having to spend high school with him as one of my
teachers. He is a warm welcome to school and always says hi in the hallways. There’s no better candidate for Teen Ink’s EOY than Mr. Craig Young.

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