Educator of the Year, Mrs.KB | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year, Mrs.KB

March 25, 2019
By sasobo6 BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
sasobo6 BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
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I have had many great teachers in my school career. There are many teachers I could have nominated for this award. However, there is one teacher that stands out from the rest. Her name is Mrs. KB; it is short for Mrs. Marianthi Buckley. I had her in 7th grade as my ELA teacher at Odyssey Charter School. She was a very enthusiastic teacher. She also made class fun, but most importantly, she looks out for others. These are some important qualities in a teacher in my opinion.

            One thing that makes Mrs. KB a great teacher is that she was enthusiastic and was excited basically every day. She always had a smile even on her bad days. Mrs. KB knew how to get her point across without having to be over the top. She had fun teaching and was excited to teach us new stuff. I remember how she would always have to be moving because she had so much energy, and she always used that while teaching. There was never a time in her class when I felt like taking a nap. She always kept me engaged and made lessons fun.

            Something else that stands out to me about Mrs. KB is that she made classes fun. We didn’t just workout of the textbook. We would read other novels and do studies on them. One thing I remember is that we read the book “The Little Prince” and watched the movie that went with it. Even though that was not a part of the curriculum, she incorporated it because it was related to what we were learning. We would also watch ads to learn about the different type of advertising techniques. However, she knows how to be serious when she has to be. She can find the happy medium. I never found myself getting bored in her class. When she did see someone getting tired or bored though, she would shake a bottle in their ear and then ask them if they wanted to take a walk to wake up. This would always make us laugh and the person she did it to knew that she was being funny and was not trying to hurt their feelings. On the other hand, she is caring and looks out for her students.

            Mrs. KB never let someone sit there and be lost. She would explain it to someone as much as they needed to so that they would understand. She also picked up on how we like to learn and what we need to succeed. She paid attention to those little details and incorporated them to help people out. For example, Mrs. KB quickly found out that I like to work independently, but I like to have someone I can bounce my ideas off of. So she let me sit next to my friend Lexie. I remember coming over to our seat and her saying “you guys work well together, so I think this was a good idea putting you two together.” She tries to make your middle school experience the best it can be and she definitely did.

            Mrs. KB displays many different qualities that prove she is a great teacher including having an enthusiastic personality, making class fun and engaging, and looking out for others. I believe Mrs. KB sets a great example for others to follow. All these reasons and many more is why I nominate Mrs. KB for Educator of the Year.

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