Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

March 25, 2019
By Jace-Santner BRONZE, Townsend, Delaware
Jace-Santner BRONZE, Townsend, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Since I am a freshman in high school, I’ve had my share of different teachers and have had many favorites over the years but coming into my first year of high school I was greeted with the best teacher I have had in my 14 years; his name is Craig Young. Mr. Young is the one that I will be nominating because of his amazing attitude towards everyone; he is a great coach and wants you to succeed, and he pushes you to do your best. He also relates to us and interacts with us as well.

Mr. Young's attitude is always positive throughout the day; he never lets a lot get to him whether it be stress or people not doing what they are supposed to. He always make sure to be in a good mood, and I have yet to see him on a day where he lets his feelings get to him to the point that he treats others bad. Mr. Young is always kind to everyone and is very funny trying to cheer up everyone, and he is a great role model because he treats everyone with respect. I believe we should all strive to be like Mr. Young.

He is also the swim coach at DMA and does a great job at improving everyone's swimming ability. Having swam in college as a backstroker, he knows what he is talking about, and everyone on the team trusts him to make them better. However, it is not just his experience swimming that makes him a great coach; it is how he always pushes everyone at practice and makes sure they are doing everything needed to help them do better. He watches the team swim and works with us to improve. My time swimming this first year was amazing even though I was worried in the beginning because I had never swam before, but he coached me through the season improving my swimming. He did this all while having a great time with the team. He is one of the best coaches I have ever had is one of the main reasons I am deciding to continue to swim next year.

Lastly, Mr. Young does an amazing job of interacting with the kids and relating to them. He does a great job of understanding what we are going through, and he always tries to help. He is someone you can always come to if you need help or someone to talk to. He makes sure not to be super serious all the time. I remember having a great time playing 2 on 2 basketball against him on one of the snow days. Now that is something I have never done with any other teacher before, and it’s just one example of how he spends time with the students at our school.

Mr. Young has taught at the Delaware Military Academy for a couple of years, and I have not heard of a student that has not liked him. He is a great person to be around and a great role model. To wrap up my nomination I would just like to say how grateful I am to have Mr. Young as my teacher and coach at DMA; I have never had a single bad experience with him, and my personal thoughts on Mr. Young are nothing less than perfect. I would proudly call him one of my favorite people I have ever met, and I can only hope I will be able to finish off my 4 years at DMA with him as a coach and a friend. This is why I believe Craig Young deserves Educator of the Year.

The author's comments:

This is my nomination for Educator Of The Year.

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