Educator of The Year Nomination Mrs. KB | Teen Ink

Educator of The Year Nomination Mrs. KB

March 25, 2019
By CameronWynn BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
CameronWynn BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

                                                 Educator of the Year Nomination

                                                                        Mr. KB


    A fortunate student is one that has had the pleasure of being taught by Mrs. Marianthi Buckley, or as we all called her Mrs. KB.  Mrs. KB taught me many things during the year I was her student at Odyssey Charter School, things I continue to carry with me now in high school.  ELA has always been challenging for me. It was the subject I always hated because I struggled with it year after year. Then, I met Mrs. KB. Her dedication to teaching, interaction with students, and turning lessons into games introduced me to different learning styles. She opened a window for me, a new way of learning. I couldn't believe I was starting to like writing and reading. I found myself looking forward to her class everyday.

    Mrs. KB's teaching style is creative and also encouraging, and I needed a lot of encouragement that year.  She turned the boring subjects into fun ones. Her patience and faith in me had me believing I could always attain my goals. She made me want to work harder. She was always patient and willing to take the time to help students that struggled. She took the time to help me organize my assignments; she said she understood the times I was frustrated, and she took the time to go over the material a second and third time until I understood it better. At times, I was frustrated, but she taught me that was okay. She helped me to gain more confidence in myself.

   Mrs. KB provided me a lot of support emotionally and mentally. Her support made me feel like I could do anything. She taught me to work to the best of my ability, and she helped me find it in myself to do that. She's fair, she's kind, and she's respectful. Her classroom was always fun and exciting.

   Mrs. KB was also my track coach. I wasn't that fast, I didn't feel talented at it, but I loved it anyway. I still remember Mrs. KB yelling my name with words of encouragement while I approached the finish line. Whenever I felt down on myself, she always encouraged and persuaded me into thinking I could do better. It didn't matter if I was a mile behind everyone or five steps. She made me feel the same and like I was worthy of being a member of the team.

   Mrs. KB may be my favorite teacher, coach, and mentor and not because of how she teaches or coaches, but because of how she made me feel about myself. She showed me how to have faith in myself, how to be a better student and athlete, and to never give up. Now, I keep going. I keep trying. I keep working. I know this is partly because of Mrs. KB.  Because of these reasons, I nominate Mrs. Marianthi Buckley as Educator of the Year.

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