Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

March 25, 2019
By Anonymous

For the last three years of my life PE was always the part of the day that I would look forward to; it didn’t matter whether it was raining or snowing outside because PE always made my day better, and Mr. Hussar was the reason for that. We were always doing something fun and active. Mr. Hussar knew that learning was not always about books and notes. This is why I nominate Chris Hussar for Educator of the Year.


Mr. Hussar was a good teacher because he always had us doing something; for example on sunny days, we would go outside and usually he had an activity for us to do like ultimate frisbee or baseball.  On bad weather days we would go inside and play do stuff such as kickball, or if the elementary kids were there we could play with them.


Another good thing about him was that even though everyone could be included in these activities however if you didn’t, that was fine; you could go do something else like play football or basketball. If he did notice someone was alone, he would go up and do something with them like have a catch. He also never held any grudges; if you wanted to sit out for a day and not do anything, he would not change his opinion of you.

One more thing that I liked about him was how good of a teacher he was; he always motivated us by doing little challenges like pull-ups or throwing a ball up in the air and seeing how many claps we could do. He was not just our PE teacher; he was also our health teacher, and was very knowledgeable on everything he was teaching. He was approachable which is a very important skill for a health teacher to have so if you had any questions you felt comfortable asking him.


In conclusion I think Mr. Hussar is a great EOY for these reasons. He always brightened the day, helped us stay fit, and taught us a lot about ourselves. He is what a teacher should aspire to be.

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