Educator of the Year ~ Samantha Giannetti | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year ~ Samantha Giannetti

March 25, 2019
By ashley_gott BRONZE, New Castle, Delaware
ashley_gott BRONZE, New Castle, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Throughout my school career, and meeting many amazing and not so amazing teachers, there has been one teacher in particular that has stood out to me tremendously in my middle school years as well as now. Her name is Mrs. Samantha Giannetti. She has been teaching students with disabilities for a little over eight years now, and she has coached and mentored me for three. Although I did not have her as a teacher myself, within those three years of me knowing her, she has taught me more than I could have ever imagined. She’s taught me not only things which relate to cheerleading, but she’s taught me many things pertaining to life, and as cheesy as it may sound, it’s true, she’s the best educator I’ve ever had!

All my life I grew up with an older sister with special needs. I never knew nor realized how much I enjoyed working with other children with disabilities. I was always afraid that I’d get bored of doing the same thing everyday if I were to become a special ed teacher. That was until I met her. As soon as I saw how much she enjoyed working with her students and how much joy she brought to them throughout the day, I realized that you can never get tired or bored of seeing a young child smile the way her students smiled. Mrs. Giannetti is always very proud of the many accomplishments they've done, and I truly believe that it’s thanks to her and the time she’s given to helping them. Mrs. Giannetti is a selfless, caring, and very supportive person who is not only there for her students but also our entire cheer squad which she has been coaching for three years.

Mrs. Giannetti began coaching the George Read Middle School cheer team in my seventh grade year. Just like any other coach she was motivating and super supportive, but she was even more than that. Whether you may be struggling in school, dealing with a sports injury, or something at home, she was always there for us no matter what. That is what I’d consider an amazing coach, and she is by far one of my favorites. Even after injuring both my shoulders and dealing with a long recovery, she never gave up on me. When I doubted myself and the recovery, she was always there to reassure me that everything was going to be alright.  I’m so thankful for all the support she has shown towards me.

Along with that, she displays the characteristics a great teacher should have. Her love for all students with or without special needs is unconditional. Her presence is very welcoming to all that are around her. Without her, I believe that I, along with many others, may not have had the same wonderful middle school experiences that we did thanks to her.

In conclusion, I would like to nominate Mrs. Giannetti for the Educator of the Year. Within such little time she has shown to be a very understanding and supportive coach, as well as an amazing mentor. I know that whenever I may need help with something, no matter what it may be, I will always be able to go back to her. Out of all the teachers and coaches I’ve had, I truly believe that she 100% deserves this honor.

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