EOY Senior Chief Mcclain | Teen Ink

EOY Senior Chief Mcclain

March 25, 2019
By McClure110 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
McClure110 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
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I believe that starting in a new school or transitioning into high school or middle school can be a tough, and stressful time that everyone can relate to. Sometimes we need that hobby, or person that helps us through those tough times. Senior Chief McClain of the Delaware Military Academy (DMA) displays this effect on me and others every day of our lives. His humorous tone and interesting stories support us in our studious lives. My naval science instructor deserves the Educator of the Year award because of his admirable attempts at making us grin at his punny wordplay and jokes, his dedication to seeing to that everyone has an interest in learning and participating, and his overwhelmingly cheer-on style towards us and our goals.

Senior Chief’s humor is a hard one to follow. He’s always willing to search to the bottom of the barrel just to get you to smirk. One on going joke is about his time before the military and is about his friend Pryz Billowits which I do not know if this is a real person or not. He tells a story about him every so often, and every time he does it gets funnier. The reason for telling these jokes and stories is to lighten up the mood. I feel that the tension that surrounds school is what makes kids have a dislike, and non-positive outlook while in school. Senior Chief does not give this impression at all, in fact it is quite the opposite; he is what allows me and fellow students to vent about the importance to stay focused on our studies. Senior Chief’s outgoing and witty personality lets him affect our lives in a positive way, and it is the perfect kind of quality you would expect in a great educator.

Although he likes to joke and make light of a situation, Senior Chief McClain is still on task and interactive with his lessons. He likes to get us captivated and talkative over a topic that I admit it is another great quality to have. When we were learning about the American flag  and flag folding, we actually learned to fold them. In Naval Science there are three main things we do: PT, Drill, and basic military knowledge. Senior Chief makes sure that we all grasp the differing instructions and teaches us well on them. He lets us play different sports like basketball and volleyball  on PT days whereas other classes just run or do other exercises. We also have competitions in drill that test our capabilities and tests how we apply ourselves. This is a trait that is most valuable for an educator to have because with it they are capable of teaching proficiently ,and it is a must have for an Educator of the Year.

When I transitioned from middle school to high school, I was as nervous as ever. On the first day of school I could feel the pressure build up, and I was very uncomfortable. As soon as we started first period, Senior Chief talked to us about goals and how we should all be able to make Petty Officer this year. This really cheered me up and encouraged me to not be so afraid to do my own thing. This is one of many of the great examples of Senior Chief’s outgoing and supportive nature. I have seen Senior Chief at most of the varsity football games and this past drill meet; this is how he supports our sports teams by attending events. I told Senior Chief about attaining my black belt,  and his encouragement on that achievement made me really realize the kind of person he is. This is probably the most important thing to me a teacher, coach, or administrator must have in order to earn the Educator of the Year award.

I nominate my naval science instructor Senior Chief McClain for the Educator of the Year. I believe he has earned this title as he has many defining characteristics that make him a fantastic instructor and person. His entertaining way of thinking is his defining trait, he also displays a great effort to encourage us to stay involved in class, and he is an outgoing and  supportive person through and through. This is my reasoning as to why I think Senior Chief McClain is the perfect Educator of the Year.

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