The Educator of the Year! | Teen Ink

The Educator of the Year!

March 27, 2019
By Bristle BRONZE, Sterling, Virginia
Bristle BRONZE, Sterling, Virginia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Despite all the teachers I have had throughout the years, there is only one I could possible nominate and her name is Jessica Rittenhouse! Even though I have known Mrs. Rittenhouse for less than a school year she as influenced me greatly. I have always wanted to be an author however, I never really got into it until I met Mrs. Rittenhouse. Mrs. Rittenhouse assigns vocab work in writing class so, for homework she gives us homework that involves writing a paragraph including six vocab words. Normally I wouldn’t be allowed to just do a chapter but, Mrs. Rittenhouse bent to rules at homework and in class to help me achieve my book, now I have a complete book and I am working on book two. Mrs. Rittenhouse also teaches my first class, reading. Mrs. Rittenhouse is super nice she lets me and my peers joke around when we are supposed to be working😊. Mrs. Rittenhouse tries to choose books and activity that she thinks we would like. Before I joined Mrs., Rittenhouse’s classes, reading and writing were my least favorite subjects, I hated them but, now there my favorite. To me Mrs. Rittenhouse and me feel more like friends. She had impacted me so much I love her a lot, she really deserves this. That’s why Mrs. Rittenhouse should get “The Educator of the Year Award."

The author's comments:

I want to be an author!

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