Mrs. Miles: Educator of the year | Teen Ink

Mrs. Miles: Educator of the year

March 28, 2019
By pinkheartariku BRONZE, Sterling, Virginia
pinkheartariku BRONZE, Sterling, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I would dedicate an "Educator of the Year" award to my middle school homeroom and math teacher, Mrs. Miles (Abby Miles). She also teaches science with other classes, but when I see her, I work on math worksheets, take notes, and play math games like IXL. I like her because she is kind, helpful, and very organized. I also like her because she makes fun and creative projects for our group. For example, I made a fun PowerPoint presentation with Kebikids images by Ariku Education called Fibonacci, which teaches people about the golden ratio and Fibonacci. I recommend having her next year because she is very creative, which is a fascinating trait for a homeroom teacher. She also makes me do Reflex math and Prodigy, which are two very fun and unique math games for kids. Reflex Math is a math game where you play math minigames, play "unlocking games", play Coach Penny's Picture Puzzle, buy clothes for your avatar, and become fluent. In Prodigy, you can fight creatures, explore worlds, buy items, and play in server worlds.

I love having her also as a movement teacher and an end of day teacher because she gives me nice and encouraging messages to me. I also like it when she sees me being resilient, so she puts a special table on my sky-blue daily sheet for resiliency. Most importantly she loves me a lot. I recommend her to be in The Newton School YouTube Channel and The Newton School website because she is very special to me. Her "role" in the YouTube channel is the 5th grade math homeroom leader that hosts math inspired DIY crafts, PowerPoints, Worksheets, and surveys, talks about the classmates in her homeroom, and comments their projects and belongings. Mrs. Miles is a nice, encouraging, and honest teacher, so I give her an Educator of the Year award.

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