Mr. Grant by Maxie Mathews | Teen Ink

Mr. Grant by Maxie Mathews

March 29, 2019
By Maxie325 BRONZE, Claymont, Delaware
Maxie325 BRONZE, Claymont, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

         I nominate John Grant as Educator of the Year because of his ability as a mentor and educator both in and outside of school and his selfless dedication to the band program of the Delaware Military Academy.  Last, but certainly not least, is his selfless devotion to the cadets and staff members not only as a guidance counselor and band teacher but as a friend. Because of these things, Mr. Grant has time and again improved my outlook on life and has been able to help me find the best part of the days where everything seems to be going the wrong way.

       Mr. Grant, as he educates his band classes, is both able to communicate to his students effectively as well as intrigue and inspire others to learn.  His drive to achieve his own goals has propelled the band program to the next level. Mr. Grant’s no nonsense attitude inspires his students to become the best musicians and marchers to their best ability.  Mr. Grant’s overall passion for what he does instills a sense of pride and self-confidence in his students that you would not normally find in other teachers.

        Mr. Grant’s ability to connect with people on a personal level is topnotch.  He is very supportive and encouraging and never puts you down no matter how discouraging the performance might have been.  After every performance or practice, he would tell us “I love your faces” which is always a sincere, heartfelt moment/memory for us because it’s his way of saying, “I love you”.  His sense of humor always lightens the mood and manages to bring the comic relief that tends to not come naturally to other educators. Mr. Grant’s naturally outgoing personality easily allows him to connect and build lasting and meaningful relationships with everybody that has crossed paths with him.  Mr. Grant’s overall desire to make lasting and personal connections with everybody he meets puts him at the top of my list for Educator of the Year.

        Mr. Grant’s genuine interest in my well being along with other cadets shows that he has an actual interest in his job as a guidance counselor that other guidance counselors I’ve had before have lacked.  Mr. Grant demonstrates a level of interest and curiosity in the lives of those that he meets that it rivals that of actual parents. Mr. Grant’s no nonsense attitude creates a feeling of needing to hold yourself to a higher standard and  to carry yourself maturely. Mr. Grant’s open nature and approachability make him very trustworthy and easy to open up to. Mr. Grant's overall demeanor creates an almost family like dynamic, that makes him very easy to talk to and have heartfelt conversations with.  

       His ability to get involved with people’s personal issues in a respectful way makes him one of, if not the best guidance counselors, teacher friends, and coach I’ve ever had. His abilities as a mentor have left an impact on me that other guidance counselors have not been able to do. His dedication and drive as a band director has inspired me to be as equally dedicated to important things in my life like he has been. His sincerity and good character has restored my faith  in the education system and school in general. Because of all this, I deeply believe Mr. Grant should be Educator of the Year.

                       P.S. love your face :)





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