EOY Nomination - Lisa Green | Teen Ink

EOY Nomination - Lisa Green

March 31, 2019
By Kylie-Brunell BRONZE, New Castle, Delaware
Kylie-Brunell BRONZE, New Castle, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

     Every student has around 40-60 different teachers for the duration of their whole k-12 education, but everyone has a teacher that they’ll always remember. That teacher could be a role model to them or they could be like a friend, but they always have something really memorable and admirable about them that people just seem to remember forever. For me, this would be one of my middle school math teachers. Mrs. Lisa Green was my 7th grade math teacher at McCullough Middle School. She had a way of just connecting with all of her students, connecting learning with fun, and encouraging all of her students no matter what.

     Mrs. Green seemed to have a connection with every class,  and especially my class. She knew who everyone was friends with and how to adjust the seating chart to make sure everyone was happy with where they sat. My class had two inside jokes with her that always seemed to put smiles on everyone’s faces.

     She would make up scenarios to explain an equation that would correlate with some really stupid and hilarious drama that would be going around school. For example, she once said something along the lines of “this number left this number (her boyfriend) to hangout with this number because he was a positive and her boyfriend was a negative” and she would hint to the little scenarios she made before taking a quiz or test to help jog our memories. The way she can bond with a class really helped me appreciate the class and have a simpler school year.

       Only a rare few kids didn't grasp her class. She was always able to teach any student effectively and keep lessons simple to understand. She always made sure if anyone had questions, they got answered. Not only is her math class easy to understand, but it's fun and engaging. Thanks to her, even if you mess up every question you answer in class, she will continue to encourage you to keep at it, and she'll make sure you 100% understand by the end of the period.

       Every student has the potential to succeed. Mrs. Green was a huge advocate for this ideology. If you could breathe, you could pass math. If she hears anyone say they can’t do it, they are almost immediately met with encouraging word such as “Don’t say that, just try again. I know you can do it”. I personally found it really endearing whenever she would lift my spirits when I wasn’t understanding a topic.

       After all my years of living, I haven't enjoyed a class as much as I enjoyed hers. She is dependable and simple to understand. She has an awesome relationship with her students and even other teachers. All these characteristics add up together and to sum it all up, I would like to nominate Mrs. Lisa Green for Educator of the Year.

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