Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

April 4, 2019
By alyssaf75 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
alyssaf75 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Being at the gym feels like a wide open field full of flowers. I get to do what I have a passion for, I get to teach younger girls what I have a passion for, but most importantly I get to see the people who remind me of what I have a passion for.

My gymnastics coach Vitali is a motivating person who has a deep love for the sport. He is someone I can count on when I’m physically hurting, mentally hurting and when I’m having a lousy day.

The day I walked into Salto Gymnastics was the day my life changed. I transitioned from practicing at the gym for eight hours per week to 17 hours per week. I didn’t know how I was going to be able to handle all the change. What are my new teammates going to be like? Am I going to see improvement in my skills? Will my coaches like me? I’ve had many teachers, coaches and mentors throughout my life. However, I never had one that pushed me so far beyond what I once thought was my limit. That was until Vitali came into my life.  

Vitali is invariably at the gym. He is there from the early mornings to the latest of nights, coaching. Out of the kindness of his heart, he spends his days helping others learn from what he has been taught, whether it’s telling us to turn over our roundoffs more in our vaults or stretch more in our dismounts off bars. I thank him for that.

Vitali is like a rain barrel. He will catch you when you fall.

A few weeks ago, I wasn’t flipping my vaults. Frustration filled me like the way rain fills a cloud. I became silent, not knowing what to do. My frustration moved with me to the next event.

“Alyssa,” I look over to see Vitali waving his hand in my direction. I start toward him. What’s he going to say?

“What’s wrong?” He gently stated. Noticing I was upset, he talked with me. Not yelling, not exasperated. All he said was the truth. Yeah, sometimes the truth might hurt. But that’s what helps you grow. I thank him for that.

Two years ago, I had my first interclub competition with Vitali as my coach. It was rough let me just say. However, I still remember the powerful words Vitali said to me: “I got your back. We’ll get through this one step at a time.” He is the one who reminds me of what I love to do. I thank him for that.

In a field full of flowers, my coach is the sun. I feel as if I don’t say thank you enough to the person that has made one of the grandest impacts in my life so far. So for that, I thank you, Vitali, for being the coach that has changed me for the better.

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