Educator | Teen Ink


April 4, 2019
By jdepeaux BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
jdepeaux BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Junior year was a stressful year with the ACT and recovering from a failing sophomore year.I had Mr. Tower at Arrowhead Union High School for Western Civ, study hall, and then sociology—all in a row. But the class that made me connect with Mr. Tower was study hall.

I saw Mr. Tower cared about me by checking my grades, telling me to talk to teachers if I struggled and persuading me to do missing assignments. He persuaded me  to do my assignments by just asking. For me, once a person I respect tells me something to do, I will do it, no questions asked.

I view Mr. Tower as a teacher that is passionate for his students and tries to make his classes entertaining (because he knows that school needs to have some fun in it). One time, he had us do a project in sociology. When doing this project, I had to go up to strangers and ask them to tie my shoes and record if they did it and how they reacted. It was a funny and creative way to learn about norms in society. I learned that in our society we have norms that shouldn’t be broken otherwise you are abnormal.

Mr. Tower relates with our society and current events. One time he wore a RIP Harambe shirt after the gorilla was killed. It was a meme and a big thing when this happened. This showed Mr. Tower was a different teacher showing he was relaxed and had a sense of humor

Mr. Tower was a mentor to me because without him I wouldn’t have tried junior year. But with him telling me it is important to do well in school for life, I listened because I knew he cared about me. He Knew I had the potential to do well.

I remember Mr. Tower telling me,If you try now in school that means you’ll try in college and in life.” That really stuck with me because I realized school is busy work but life is busy work everyday.

Mr. Tower is a teacher I can relate with. This year I don’t have any classes with Mr. Tower but I still come to his room just to talk high school sports including our own and other communities teams. We talk about his son and how he likes the school he goes to and how he is doing playing sports there. I just wish there was more teachers like Mr. Tower because school would be better if they took after Mr. Tower.

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