Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

April 4, 2019
By GatorXXI BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
GatorXXI BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As a little lunker, I learned a multitude of things from a substantial amount people, but Dave Risch was different. Mr. Risch was principal at Hartland South Elementary, he is decently tan and towers over the elementary school kids ad 6’1”. He stands out in a sea of shorter people. He has a kind and joyous personality.

I have known Mr. Risch since I was in kindergarten, and not just because he was my principal, he was and still is my mom’s boss. My mom works in the office and the lunchroom (and has been since I started going to school there 12 plus years ago). So I have had 12 years to connect with him.

Years ago, he started a business called Little Lunkers to go out fishing with kids. To teach the kids how to catch the biggest fish. And I was one of the first to sign up. My friend Jake and I went out fishing with him, and it was something I will never forget. We set off from the boat launch and we went out on Nagawicka Lake, eager and excited. We go to our first fishing spot and he looks at me and with full excitement says “ Right here is a weed drop off, this is where all of the fish like to sit.” At that moment, I got to see him passionate about something not school related, and I had interest in the same thing. While we were sitting there, all of a sudden, something happened. A fish latched onto my lure and Dave got even more excited. “Reel! Reel!” he screamed while grabbing the net. I had caught a Largemouth Bass, the excitement was unreal and it lasted. The rest of the trip flew by and I wanted to go fishing with him again… and again… and again. With the same eagerness and passion we kept fishing. But it was not just outside of school I connected with him.

While I was in school,  we had a contest to be principal for a day, and I

won it. I got to “work” with the alpha dog of this pack of kids. He showed me what he does in his daily duties of a principal and what could happen. Later he surprised me with a McDonalds Filet-O-Fish (which was one of my favorite foods as a kid). To this day it was one of my most memorable school moments. Lastly he took me around to all of the classrooms and presented me as the principal for the day. It was a very simple day but as a kid, to become the principal is pretty sweet.

This showed me how caring and hard working Mr.Risch is when he has to deal with children and paperwork for a living, and he loves it. Mr.Risch is like a fish in water at school, it’s his home. Thank you Dave Risch for contributing to my life.

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