Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

November 18, 2019
By softballgirl333 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
softballgirl333 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As a senior this year at Arrowhead High School, it’s my last year with Mrs. King, I am in her capstone Health Practicum class. She teaches subjects in the health science field and I have taken four out of the five classes available. My future career is to be a nurse and she has helped me realize the potential I have to do so, and the difference I can make.

Three years together and millions of lessons learned. Sometimes the lessons were about school work, others for life and countless for future careers. Invested into every single one of her students, Mrs. King knows what’s going on in each student’s life. She allowed me to be myself when I was around her, and talk about things that were going on in my life—whether it be boy trouble or something serious, she offered advice and comforting words. This made me feel more comfortable around her and know that I could go to her for help

Just this year, I struggled with having a new job and balancing my life with it. I had trouble finding the time to get my school work done with my new work hours and I was beyond stressed. Mrs. King noticed. She sat me down to talk. “Emme, I can tell that something is bothering you, would you like to talk about it?” I explained what was going on and she gave me ideas to help with my job. She helped me prioritize my workload. I was given extra time in her class to get work done and she helped me until I felt confident and less stressed. Even now, she checks up on me frequently to make sure I’m doing well and not stressing myself. Mrs. King truly does care and she has shown me how important adaptability can be. 

Mrs. King makes time for each one of her students (even if it’s during her lunch hour). She checks up on her students every week to make sure everything is okay, and she gives advice that comes from the heart (and experience of course). She’s like a mother with her wise wisdom and caring nature. Everyday, I walk into her classroom and there’s a smile on her face, even if you can tell she hasn’t had the best day.  

Mrs. King’s guidance and advice are the reasons I am dedicated and driven. She is why I have a strong job and keep up with my grades. She is why I am stronger and able to handle what’s to come. 

While I have said thank you, a thank you is not enough for all she has done for me. She deserves much more. The impact she has made in my life has not only been in high school, but beyond: my future career, work ethic and resources have all been helped and influenced by Mrs. King. So thank you, Mrs. King, for helping shape a better me: a stronger, more adaptable and more resilient me. 

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