My Favorite Teacher | Teen Ink

My Favorite Teacher

November 18, 2019
By 0richards SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
0richards SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I sat in the desk watching Moneyball with other Arrowhead High School AP Microeconomics students. We just finished taking our AP test. We took the next week to relax and celebrate our hard work and achievements. Mrs. Klun told us she was going to bring snacks, but in reality, she brought a buffet. Any snack possible was on that table, an act she did out of kindness. This act made my day, and it was nice to relax after a day of testing.

Every day, she ecstatically shouted these familiar phrases: “We live stress-free in room 173!” and “Strive for five!” She truly meant those words, as she looked after us and made sure we were not flustered. She would even move back quizzes or tests if she heard students had many tests on a certain day. This allowed me to gain more time to study for other classes, and I performed better in all of my classes.

Some of my greatest laughs during the year came every Friday when we did a weekly rendition of “Feelings Friday” where students wrote how they feel on a slip of paper anonymously, and she read them to the class. It was relieving to hear Mrs. Klun laugh at our submissions, and give comfort when we weren’t at our best. She developed relationships with her students, and things like “Feelings Friday” made our class synergize with her even more.

That same year, I got the idea to found an Investment Club, which needed advisors. Mrs. Klun was one of the first teachers I went to; I knew she truly cared about my endeavors and wanted to help. She graciously accepted my offer, and she became one of the advisors for my club. This was not a paid position, and she spent her free time (once every month) working with me to improve the club. She helped me achieve my aspirations. Whenever I needed anything for the club, I could go to her, and she would help me out.

Mrs. Klun made me a better person. Through her, I learned how to care for others and that I could achieve so much in life. In her class, I realized I wanted to continue taking economic classes, and it is a career I would be interested in. During my senior year, I took Business Law because I knew she was the teacher. Her character is what makes her a great teacher, but more importantly, a good and inspiring person.

I would like to thank Mrs. Klun for her contributions to my life as an educator. She has made an impact and even helped me choose what I want to do as a career. She is charismatic, humorous, caring, but most importantly, willing to sacrifice for any of her students, no matter what. 

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