My favorite Educator | Teen Ink

My favorite Educator

November 18, 2019
By camdog22 SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
camdog22 SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A completely new life started when transferred to Northlake elementary school in third grade. I tried to do my best at school and get my work done. But the one thing I loved the most was gym class. The best days of middle school were in Mr. Yde’s gym class. 

To me, he was far more than a gym teacher. He cared about his students and pushed everyone to get better. He would never go a day without telling me to work hard and stay motivated. This helped me make it to state in track and never quit through the toughest workouts.

Mr. Yde wasn't like any other teacher. If it wasn't for Mr. Yde pushing me to go out for track and run in the middle school mile runs, I would have never known I loved running. 

He was an amazing teacher. Every sport or activity we did, he would help his students understand. He made sure everyone was learning how to get better and at the same time laughing. He taught me every activity I love doing, from roller skating to archery. He taught everything with a passion.

I remember a specific moment at eighth grade graduation when we found out he was retiring. Me and my friends truly cared about Mr. Yde. After the eighth graders graduated, my closest friends and I planned a day to bike up to the school during a younger grades gym class to say hi. We ended up playing a game with all of the younger students. At that moment, it felt like the last gym class I would ever have with Mr. Yde. This was something that upset me. It made me realize to live in the moment and to not take things for granted.

After spending a couple years at Arrowhead High School, I found Mr. Yde was going to be the new Arrowhead Conditioning Camp supervisor. This made me even more excited to workout and train, knowing someone who cared that much about making students better, was there to help. 

Mr. Yde is more than a coach, a teacher, a trainer. He is someone I looked up to and has been an inspiration in my life. More teachers should have this passion and push to have an impact on students while having an enjoyable time like Mr. Yde did during his career. 

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