Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

November 18, 2019
By Anonymous

Before I was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder in sixth grade I struggled with panic attacks. I would leave the classroom, missing weeks of school. I thought I was sick. I visited the school counselor and nurse daily. 

 Every morning I would cry to my mom about not feeling well and not wanting to go to school because I feared another panic attack. Every morning I would say, “Mom, will I be okay?” repeatedly. She would respond with, “yes, Amber, you’ll be fine.” Then I would go to school. This routine happened throughout elementary school, until the end of sixth grade.

On top of my daily panic attacks, I had awful self-esteem. I would say, nobody is going to like me because I’m not normal or why am I the only one like this. I would make scenes in the classroom about not feeling well, or leave the classroom during a lesson. My self-confidence was non-existent and visits to the school counselor would only help in the moment.

Then one day, I was told by the school counselor if I ever need something to take my mind off my anxiety I could go to the school lunchroom and hang out with the lunch ladies. That was when I started talking to Mrs. Seonbuchner at Stone Bank. Talking to her calmed me down and took my mind off of my anxiety.  

She would show me around the kitchen and ask me about my hobbies and how my day was going. I would snack on animal crackers and watch her prepare lunch for the students.  She truly cared about how I was doing and wanted to help me feel at ease. Her voice was kind and soothing and she had a positive attitude.  

One day I told her about my love for giraffes. She told me one of her family members collected glass giraffes and then a few weeks after that she gave me a beautiful glass giraffe in a cloth pouch. It was one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for me and I still have it displayed in my room today.

A couple months ago, I ran into her while I was at work. She recognized my face even though it has been years since I last saw her. She asked me about how my life was going and had the same kind voice and personality. 

 So thank you Mrs. Seonbuchner, for helping me take my mind off my anxiety, caring about me, and being such a great role model.

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