Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

November 18, 2019
By SnowyTree SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
SnowyTree SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Mr. Tschanz, 

I’m not going to lie, I thought physics was going to be the most rigorous class I would take during high school. While it has been challenging, your teaching style has helped tremendously. Your energetic greeting to the class every day brings a unique trait that many teachers fail to display. Your energetic vibe gets us engaged heading into the last hour of the day. 

A peer of mine asked a question about one of the laws of physics. There was no clear answer. However, the answer that came from you was a mouthful, but it sounded extraordinarily interesting. I was intrigued by a topic I wanted to learn about. 

You have copious knowledge in the field of not only physics but also the entire field of science. You display such knowledge that, for the first time in my high school career, I went home and wanted to learn. I read a book! The crazy thing is that I wanted to read. I wasn’t forced into like I was a freshman in English class. If a teacher can make you do that, they are excelling in their profession. 

I read A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking. This book covers physics and cosmology as described by Hawking. While I read, I knew what he talked about! I knew who Newton was and I knew a few of his laws. It all came together and made learning these new concepts by Hawking fun. I knew this information because of Mr. Tschanz. 

Having had this experience, I have now been opening my eyes to experiences in other classes. I have been listening more to my teachers and now want to learn outside of the classroom. Before this experience, I had the notion in my head that school is boring and that I should avoid it at all costs. I was wrong. School is filled with opportunities that you need to take advantage of. 

I believe that more teachers should aspire to become Mr. Tschanz. They should inspire their students to learn outside of the classroom. Knowledge is power and Mr. Tschanz truly represents that.

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