Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

November 18, 2019
By Anonymous

Mrs. Brown

The first time I've met Mrs. Brown was in my senior year study hall. She was nice and welcomed me to her class. I told her I have her as a teacher later in the day and I was excited because she is a great teacher. She is a person I can trust and won’t be afraid to ask for help on any assignments and the worst answer she can say when I ask for help on homework is “sorry I can try but may not be able to help.” 

I asked her after a week of knowing her “how would you describe me?”

She said, “I feel like you are a very smart person but just don't put your mind to things such as homework.” She knows I'm bad at remembering I have homework at night. 

Some of the best moments in class are when I can be myself and Mrs. Brown makes everyone feel safe and comfortable. 

I'm usually a pretty shy kid, but after three classes with her I opened up. I did things such as participating in class and asking for help on assignments. The lesson is to make sure I get to know someone first before I assume anything about them. Mrs. Brown taught me that maybe I’ll become friends with them or feel comfortable opening up.

I truly feel that teachers should be more connected with students and share life stories or personal stuff with the class more often. This makes the students feel like they are more willing to like you and open up to you and won’t be afraid to ask for help. During study hall with Mrs. Brown, we talk about shopping and stuff and we give opinions on something that one or the other wants to buy. This impacted me by being able to connect with the teacher and made me feel more comfortable to participate in class and ask more questions.

At the end of the day, I pack up my things and say “see ya tomorrow, Mrs. Brown” before I leave her class.  Mrs. Brown is a great teacher and is always willing to help students. I have a lot of those types of teachers, but none I’ve actually connected with. I always look forward to the next day to learn more about psychology with Mrs. Brown.

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