My Favorite Educator | Teen Ink

My Favorite Educator

November 18, 2019
By lizoutofwater SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
lizoutofwater SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My Favorite Educator

From the moment I stepped into my first audition freshman year, I knew this was where I wanted to spend my next years at Arrowhead High School. This was due to Mrs. Markano, the director of the drama club and stage crew (also an English and speech teacher). 

As student after student presented scenes and monologues, giving all they had to make it into the show, I could see the wheels turning in Mrs. Markano’s head. 

I made it into the show, and it quickly became the highlight of my year. I looked forward to going to rehearsal every day, because it meant I got to put on a successful show with kids and directors I admired. 

Mrs. Markano went through a tough time in her personal life that year, and lost people close to her. As students, it was hard for us to watch her go through that. We decided to make a video expressing our gratitude. Mrs. Markano left a different impact on each of us, and it was obvious we needed to do something to thank her, to return a piece of the love she showed us.  It was one of the most fulfilling things I’ve ever been a part of. 

 She explained how that show was what got her through the stress she had been under, and it made me realize how much she cared about each student and their future in the drama department, as well as in their daily lives. I finished that show feeling like I found my place at Arrowhead, which I credit to Mrs. Markano and the welcoming environment she created.

Fast forward to junior year. I enrolled in her acting class. This was different from anything I had done with her before, as most of the students had never acted before. This served no challenge to Mrs. Markano, as she worked tirelessly to keep them engaged in the material. And it worked! By the end of the semester, she managed to whip all of them into accomplished actors. For our final exam, the class put on a well-organized and well-rehearsed collection of one-act plays. Students who previously had no interest in stepping into the spotlight were now proving their own against kids had been acting for years. 

I also had the opportunity to be her assistant director for the spring comedy, and getting up close and personal with her process as a director and mentor was an incredible learning experience. Through her interaction with the other students, she was able to demonstrate how to be a creative, confident, and committed leader.

Now that I’m not the timid freshman standing on the Arrowhead stage for the first time, I can honestly say I consider Mrs. Markano my greatest mentor and educator, as well as my friend. Mrs. Markano works tirelessly to bring a comfortable and educationally nourishing environment to all her students. 

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