Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

November 18, 2019
By Anonymous

Educators can be found in forms other than a teacher. The educator I have chosen to write about is Mrs. Reuterman, my boss at Midcity sports. Now hearing the word boss makes me think they are mean or there to keep everybody in order, but when it comes to working at Midcity, it's not that way.

Since starting work their, Mrs. Reuterman has been nothing less than helpful and encouraging. When staff gets stressed over not getting work done on time, she tells them it will be okay and to just get it done as soon as possible. She understands people have other things going on in their lives and that work cannot always be the number one priority. 

No matter who the customer is that walks in, she always keeps a smile on her face and is outgoing to the needs that the customer, making sure they walk out satisfied. 

She never gets frustrated with any questions I have even if it is teaching me it for the second or third time, she is still willing to help. 

Not only is she there to help with questions about work, but she is also there for questions about life. She goes out of the way to ask how I am doing and she takes an interest in me. Even when she may be having a bad day or not feeling the best, she brings joy to the workplace that brightens the mood for everybody around her. 

You may be thinking, you’ve only known her for six months, how can she have an impact on you that makes you nominate her? To be honest, even when I have teachers for longer they have never been able to have an impact or been able to connect to me as Mrs.Reuterman has from caring for me, reaching out since I first started working there, and supporting me when I needed help. In conclusion, I am nominating Mrs.Reuterman for educator of the month award. 

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