Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

November 18, 2019
By Anonymous

 Educator of the Year

I walk into the hallways of Arrowhead High School freshman year on the first day, the first hour, room 118, for dollars and sense. I’m holding onto my backpack straps as my friends dropped me off. I take a step inside the room, only to find sophomores. I start panicking and look for somewhere to sit. I have no luck. I arrived too late. 

The teacher comes up to me and asks, “What is your name? We can find you a seat.” 

“Thank you. My name is Bailey.”

At that moment I realized, I was actually in high school. I was scared to move or try and talk to anybody. 

After the bell rang, she began class.“I am Mrs. Schwartz and welcome to dollars and sense.” 

I started tapping my foot, getting nervous and sweating. She introduces herself, then starts handing out the syllabus with rules. As she continues to talk through class, we are asked to get in a group for a project we had to start right away. At this moment, I want to run out of the classroom and never come back.

“Get in groups of three or four,” Mrs. Schwartz said.

This is where I need to run now! I couldn’t handle being that kid who doesn’t get picked, I thought.

It was sophomore year, I had her again for the world of business. This class was more relaxing and I wasn’t so worried because I was a sophomore now. I started thinking about my career options. Since I was talking so many business classes I began to consider it as an option. I wanted to eventually go into this field, that is what Mrs. Schwartz inspired me to do. 

Now, junior year and I have her again for personal finance. This class pushes me to think about the things I am responsible for in the future. Mrs. Schwartz is passionate and good at what she teaches. Having her over the past three years has made an impact on my views of business and to continue it. She is understanding, kind, and caring. The ways that she teaches and makes sure I understand the lesson, you can tell she wants the best for you. 

I want to thank you, Mrs. Schwartz, for all that you do and loving what you do. You inspire me to keep going. I hope other kids can succeed and benefit from your classes as I did.

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