My Favorite Teacher Mr. Streufert | Teen Ink

My Favorite Teacher Mr. Streufert

November 18, 2019
By 0schroederm BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
0schroederm BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Mr. Streufert

Mr. Streufert, the physics teacher, from Arrowhead High School is someone that makes me look forward to going to physics class (and I’m a person who doesn’t enjoy school). He somehow made every day interesting. I would walk into his class and no matter what mood I or he were in, he would ask me how I’m doing. He was excited to see me and teach. This made me look forward to physics class.

Mr. Streufert was a teacher I connected with and I think that’s why I liked him so much. It wasn’t that we had lots in common; we were actually quite the opposite, but he would always find something to talk about that interested both of us. He found a way to make physics fun by having everyone involved and doing things that were hands-on. 

Physics class isn’t a class that anyone gets excited for, but having Mr. Streufert as my teacher, it’s a whole new story. What I love about Mr. Streufert is the goofy stuff he talks about and does. Almost every week, we would have a nice conversation about what kind of foods he’s having that week. His love for food was like no other. He always had something interesting cooking up later that night. 

The best was when Mr. Tschanz (the other physics teacher) would come into the room because I know for sure they were going to talk about something funny. They were like the same person and were in love with the same things. It was amazing having both of them in the same room. I didn’t do too well in physics and it was mostly my fault (because I didn’t do all of my work), but Mr. Streufert always gave me opportunities even if I wasn’t trying hard. 

He never wanted to see someone fail or get a bad grade. He would always offer help during class and even outside of it. Also, he would offer the best options for our work; he would let us work in groups and use things in class and do whatever it took to make sure we understood and did well. 

Mr. Streufert was a teacher that wanted to see everyone succeed while having a good time getting there. He would make projects into things that were fun and exciting but still get the point of the physics through.

Mr. Streufert is my favorite teacher and the best teacher because of how interactive and caring he is for everyone. Mr. Streufert, no one could be a better physics teacher than you!

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