Inspiration | Teen Ink


November 18, 2019
By Chup BRONZE, Nashotah, Wisconsin
Chup BRONZE, Nashotah, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments


Let's be honest: math sucks and isn't fun to learn or talk about, I mean i'm a 17 year old senior at arrowhead. I would rather learn about some old guy and how he founded the US. But when Mr. Witte was teaching math, it wasn't just about numbers and symbols it was about educating our future. 

Mr. Witte made math class the class I looked forward to. Mr. Witte is the only teacher who has thanked someone for sharing the wrong answer. Mr. Witte wants students to make mistakes so kids who don’t understand the material, or who are also too scared to ask, can see how to work through an equation step by step again.

 Mr. Witte also teaches a class called Leaders Mindset, which is a class dedicated to help students not only understand what it means to be a good leader and educator, but also how to live life the way I want to, instead of staying on “default,” or the common way. Mr. Witte also gives the class “dares” as home so we can change up our daily routine and do something positive in our lives and the lives of the people we help. Mr. Witte has never taught this class before. He creates the class plans and activities all by himself. He puts so much passion and care into each class; he greets me every class with a heartwarming smile and question asking “how have you been?” Whenever there is a break between classes Mr. Witte will try to talk to people and see what they have been up to. Unlike most teachers, Mr. Witte actually cares about what I have to say, instead of the usual “that's nice” or “oh, fun.” He will ask questions about what I have to say and ask to hear more.  

Mr. Witte is the only teacher I have had that has an understanding of his students. I can talk to Mr. Witte like I can talk to my friends. He is like the cool older brother in any movie. 

Mr. Witte is also a big part of sports activities: statistician for football, head coach for girls basketball, he helped coach the volleyball girls, and for all athletes, he provides a class to help the players to have the chance to become a leader for the team. 

Also, one of Mr. Witte’s kids has weak connective tissue disorder and isn't able to do most things by himself. But instead of being sad and mad about it, Mr. Witte is the happiest dad and knows he is blessed to have such an inspiring and amazing kids in his family. 

Mr. Witte is my role model and he reminds me to live my life the way I want to and change my daily routine. I couldn't have been more blessed to have Mr. Witte as a teacher for two years and to get to connect and create such a good relationship with not only a teacher, but a friend.

The author's comments:

Even if this doesnt win, I want the world to know how awesome Mr. Witte is.

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