Educator | Teen Ink


November 18, 2019
By ethan8811 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
ethan8811 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Mrs. Pierce was my favorite teacher I have had to this day. She teaches her fifth grade class in a way that unifies one another to learn happily. I just moved from St.louis to Hartland and it was a big change in my life. Now I was in a new environment and I had to make new friends and learn how to change my lifestyle. This was all scary for a fourth grader going into fifth grade. 

I was put in Mrs. Pierce class not knowing what to expect. I was scared of what to expect. I walked into the room on the first day of school and saw my teacher. Mrs. Pierce was a short lady with blonde curly hair. She had this energy that rubbed off on me and the other students. The energy made the room have a positive vibe and a big smile. 

She was just always so positive and had something nice or funny to say. She immediately made me feel like I was at home, some of the kids in my class have been in the same cass since preschool. But Mrs. Pierce had a way of making me fit in like I’ve been there the whole time. Having kids come in the class wanting to learn and wanting to be there it’s part of what makes a teacher so special. Mrs. Pierce has always had an impact on my life since I was in her class in fifth grade. 

Being the young kid I was at the time, I always had something funny to say or do. When we were in the lab we had to wear lab coats and instead of just putting on the lab coats and going on with our day we did something different. Mrs. Pierce and I came up with a dance that we would do when we would put on our coats. “Everyone do their lab coat swag”. Those words have stuck with me to this day and have always been there in the back of my mind, unforgettable. Any other teach that I would know would not put up with actions like these, but she Incorporated it into our learning. 

A lot of the time going to school isn’t what makes students happy but when I would go into her class I was always happy. Me being able to enjoy learning with such a good teacher and a comfortable environment is really what made Mrs. Pierce’s class such an enjoyable time. Mrs. Pierce had a way of teaching that would bring all of us together. So that we could really connect and work together to achieve the learning points that she would give us.

Something that always stood out to me was, whenever the class would be overwhelmed with chaos or kids were not on task, she would tell us to take a walk. We would take a walk down the hall or to the other room or even all the way outside to the playground. She did this so that we could have a way of just releasing our energy and doing something different with the day instead of sitting in a classroom. She put the students emotional factors in front of guidelines that were followed to teach a group of kids.

Mrs. Pierce is a remarkable teacher that has taught me many things in the one year I got to share with her. I would like to say thank you, thank you for all that you have taught me. Thank you for all the laughs and enjoyable times you brought me in your class. Thank you for making such a mark on my life to this day. 


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