Coach Staus | Teen Ink

Coach Staus

November 19, 2019
By andyg123 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
andyg123 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
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When I was starting my sophomore year, I chose to play highschool soccer at Arrowhead. I made varsity after the tryout and was excited to start my journey with Coach Staus. Once I started practicing and playing games with him as my coach, I learned about his dedication, knowledge, and character. 

Coach Staus creates an encouraging and memorable learning experience. During practice he knows what the team needs to work on and how to improve, but he also knows how to make practices fun. He throws in a game every so often that helps our skills but also grew the team closer to each other. He also make jokes during practice that makes everyone laugh which helps the connections we have with each other and makes practice likeable. 

Another significant trait Coach Staus has is dedication. I’ve never seen someone so intelligent and aware when it comes to high school soccer. He always knows our opponent's strengths and weaknesses. He watches hours and hours of film to assure that the team has the best shot of winning. He provides a detailed game plan before games of our objectives and some inspiration. He always did the most for the success of the team.

Not only is Coach Staus a great, knowledgeable coach, he’s also has outstanding character. The Arrowhead soccer motto is “Working on a championship while building character” which is blatantly shown by Coach Staus. Win or lose, he explains the positives and negatives that makes us better as a team. He also tells his players that the best compliment he can receive is a teacher recognizing the strong character of individuals outside of the soccer field. He would rather take a hard worker with less talent than a lazy, talented player which shows his emphasis of character. 

I remember the time we lost to Waukesha North. Although we were frustrated due to our recent winless form, Coach Staus then took advantage of that feeling and turned it into a positive lesson. He gave the team an assignment to give a speech to the rest of the team on how we can improve individually and as a team. I thought, What's the point of a speech, we need to practice. The results of the speech surprised and shocked me. Speaking in front of the team and coaches made a positive impact. After that, everyone could see the improvement. We had a chip on our shoulders and worked harder than before. I feel as if we didn’t do those speeches, we would have dug ourselves into a deeper hole.

Coach Staus has taught me lessons in life and in soccer, ranging from work ethic to having character. Whether if it’s in the classroom or the soccer field, he’ll always have a positive impact.

When I was starting my sophomore year, I chose to play Arrowhead Soccer. I made varsity after the tryout and was excited to start my journey with Coach Staus. Once I started practicing and playing games with him as my coach, I learned about his dedication, knowledge, and character. 

Coach Staus creates an encouraging and memorable learning experience. During practice he knows what the team needs to work on and how to improve, but he also knows how to make practices fun. He throws in a game every so often that helps our skills but also grew the team closer to each other. He also make jokes during practice that makes everyone laugh which helps the connections we have with each other and makes practice likeable. 

Another significant trait Coach Staus has is dedication. I’ve never seen someone so intelligent and aware when it comes to high school soccer. He always knows our opponent's strengths and weaknesses. He watches hours and hours of film to assure that the team has the best shot of winning. He provides a detailed game plan before games of our objectives and some inspiration. He always did the most for the success of the team.

Not only is Coach Staus a great, knowledgeable coach, he’s also has outstanding character. The Arrowhead soccer motto is “Working on a championship while building character” which is blatantly shown by Coach Staus. Win or lose, he explains the positives and negatives that makes us better as a team. He also tells his players that the best compliment he can receive is a teacher recognizing the strong character of individuals outside of the soccer field. He would rather take a hard worker with less talent than a lazy, talented player which shows his emphasis of character. 

I remember the time we lost to Waukesha North. Although we were frustrated due to our recent winless form, Coach Staus then took advantage of that feeling and turned it into a positive lesson. He gave the team an assignment to give a speech to the rest of the team on how we can improve individually and as a team. I thought, What's the point of a speech, we need to practice. The results of the speech surprised and shocked me. Speaking in front of the team and coaches made a positive impact. After that, everyone could see the improvement. We had a chip on our shoulders and worked harder than before. I feel as if we didn’t do those speeches, we would have dug ourselves into a deeper hole.

Coach Staus has taught me lessons in life and in soccer, ranging from work ethic to having character. Whether if it’s in the classroom or the soccer field, he’ll always have a positive impact.

The author's comments:

Coach Staus has helped me so much with my character on and off the soccer field

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