Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

November 19, 2019
By Anonymous

Starting my first day of junior year, I wasn’t excited for any class except autos. Before the school year started, I heard little about the actual autos program and more about the teacher. All of my friends and siblings only had good things to say, like how he would let students work on their own vehicles, or how he was not only was relaxed but was a good teacher as well. The fact that we could work on our own vehicles really appealed to me since I drove a 30 year old truck that was falling apart at the time. 

When that first class started, I knew that this was going to be a great class. During that first day I learned about his side business repairing boats, how he lost vision in his eye, and most importantly I experienced how laid back yet enthusiastic about teaching he was. He’d always make jokes with the students and try to give them the best understanding possible about what he was teaching.

The thing that stuck with me the most about Mr. V was how much he helped me out with whatever I was doing. Even though the problems that I had with my vehicles weren’t always about what he was teaching, Mr. V was always able to give me advice or help me diagnose something. I remember when my truck broke down he helped me figure out a solution to what I should do, and if it was even worth it. When I couldn't get it out of school until I got a trailer, he let me keep it in the autos parking lot and made sure frier wouldn’t give me and parking tickets. 

In class, Mr. V always did a great job of keeping class entertaining yet doing a good job teaching. This was one of the best traits that he had. Since he was an experienced teacher, he could always relate what we were learning to a personal experience.

I think the fact that I had him as my teacher was his last year here was why we had so much fun in his class. I feel like he was just trying to enjoy his last year but instead of just letting us do whatever, he still taught us things and made sure that we understood what we were learning. In conclusion, Mr. V is a great teacher because of his unique relationships with students, his drive to teach, and his devotion to the auto program. 

The author's comments:

It is about my old autos teacher

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