Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

November 19, 2019
By marl BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
marl BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Debra Paradowski

Sophomore year I made a stupid mistake. I allowed the thrill of risk to jeopardize my image and reputation. I was hard on myself and beat myself up for it. I felt as if I was a bad kid. I thought everything about me had changed.

Debra Paradowski is the principal at Arrowhead High School’s South Campus; I was absolutely terrified of her, but I had never met her. So you can imagine my fear when I had to talk to her for the first time. 

I thought my heart was going to burst as she walked me down the hallway to her office. My palms were sweaty and I was shaking. But after a few minutes of chatting, she gave me hope. Her calming and soothing voice eased my scary thoughts. 

Mrs. Paradowski is the only teacher that has calmed my anxiety and fear so much. She assured me by saying, “you’re a good girl that just made a dumb decision.” She never let me push myself down; she kept grabbing my hand and pulling me up. 

She inspired me to continue school as if nothing happened. And since then, my grades have  improved. And I will never make the same mistake again. 

To this day, she continues to say hello to me in the hallway and passes me with a smile. Seeing her reminds me of the strength and determination I have in me, even after all goes downhill. 

So, thank you, Mrs. Paradowski. Thank you for guiding me to the light through a pitch-black tunnel. 

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